Studies of the Ring-opening Reaction of Epoxy Phenolic Resin with Triethylamine Hydrochloride to Prepare Water Soluble and Photosensitive Polymer 用三乙胺盐酸盐对酚醛环氧树脂开环合成水溶性感光高分子的研究
The photosensitive material is one of the polymer materials that is developed quickly and applied broadly in all of the holographic recording materials. 光敏聚合物材料是全息记录材料中发展最快,应用最为广泛的一种材料。
Synthesis of WATER-DEVELOPABLE photosensitive polymer and effects of ingredients on its photosensitivity 水显影光固化材料的制备及其各组分对感光性能的影响
Research on properties of water resistant photosensitive polymer for screen printing 耐水性丝网印刷感光高分子性能研究
A small quantity photosensitive pre-polymer monomer are mixed together with nematic liquid crystal. The reversed-mode polymer network stabilized liquid crystal film can be fabricated using photo-initiated polymerization induced phase separation method ( PPIP). 实验发现在液晶中添加少量的预聚物单体,利用光聚合诱导相分离的方法可以形成反型显示模式的聚合物网络稳定液晶膜。
Heat-resistant photosensitive high polymer is a new promising species among functional high polymeric materials. 耐热感光高分子化合物是功能高分子材料中很有前途的一类新品种。
Synthesis and Characterization of Low Loss Fluorinated Photosensitive Polymer for Optical Waveguide 低损耗光敏聚酰亚胺光波导材料的合成与性能
Study on Synthesis of Alkali Soluble Photosensitive Polymer for Integrated Circuit Board 积层线路板用碱溶性感光预聚物的合成研究
Research and Progress of Photosensitive Polymer Hydrogel 光响应高分子凝胶的研究与进展
A Study on the synthesis of monomer and prepolymer of Heat-resistant PI-A Photosensitive Polymer PI&A型耐热感光高分子的单体及预聚体合成的研究
Recently, our research group designed and synthesized a new type of photosensitive polymer whose chromophores were bound with cyclic acetal linkages. The property of this polymer is that the stability of cyclic acetal linkages could be controlled by adjusting the degree of Z-cinnamyl chromophores via photo-isomerization. 最近,我们课题组设计合成了一种环缩醛键接生色基团的新型光敏聚合物,该聚合物具有独特的光化学调控机制,即能够通过调节肉桂基的Z-异构化程度来调控环缩醛的价键稳定性。
Bithiophene based photoelectric material showed excellent performance, and attracted a widespread attention, such as photosensitive dye, electroluminescent materials and polymer cell. 以联噻吩为骨架构建的光电材料显示出优越的性能,相关的基础和应用研究因而受到广泛关注,其中以光敏染料、电致发光材料、聚合物电池等方面的研究最为突出。